Thursday, November 13, 2014

⦁    Scams and Secrets of Email Suppliers & Email Service Companies



⦁    Email Rental Caution: Stay away from the email vendor con artists that tell you that they only 'rent' data, i.e. you can't take possession of the data and they have to send it! Your company should not take the chance of having its name in an email going out without your company having possession of the data that proves how that data was opted in. Additionally, you will never even know how many emails bounced. Many of these con artist email er 'renters' would never give you the email because almost all of it will bounce! They will bullshit you and tell you that their data was only opted into them. Ask these con artists to show you all their websites where they got many millions of people to op-tin to have them send sales presentations.
⦁     Tell them what you already know---that they are full of shit !
⦁    GIVE me a MIN. &  SEAD ME a SHORT Email and TELL SOME about your COMPANY and if  you have a List or not.....
⦁     I'm ONLY helping the SERIOUS !!! So not to waste any one's TIME here..
⦁    You Just got hooked up..Free at no cost !!!!
⦁    for FIRST  { 20 }  only FREE
⦁    Than $35.00 a Call so sead that Email..
⦁    Thank you,
⦁    Brian Butler


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